Marketing to millennials: 5 things you must know about them
What exactly is the millennial generation? The term ‘Millennials’ has captured the attention of marketers for several reasons. Why? Overview The term ‘millennials’, also known as Generation Y or the Next Generation, is usually considered applying to individuals who reached adulthood around the turn of the 21st century. We can find several definitions, but according to many sources, millennials were born between 1980 – 2000. The younger millennials are in their 20’s and are now graduating from college and entering the workforce; the eldest are in their mid-30’s, and they are buying homes and starting families. That’s why millennials have a huge buying power, and they are one of the most interesting targets in the market. Designing marketing strategies for millennials is not easy. Many companies are failing the attempt due to a lack of knowledge about these young adults. […]